My Penthouse

This is actually the renovation plan for my room on second floor. (Click it for a larger view.. hehe)
The developer named the room PENTHOUSE because the master bedroom is located downstair. So I am on my way to create a penthouse looking room.. if the budget permits.. LOL

Missing In Action

If you can't find me here......
I am probably busy with stuff in here --> another blog of mine <--
Happy visiting ;)

Hijrah (migrate)

It has been a while since the last post here. I am now working back in my hometown... leaving Kapit behind.. but not forgetting all the memories I had during the bitter-sweet 5 years working there.

The feeling during my last day was just like what I imagine it would be. I cried.. but not like the time when we were kids; pulling all the awkward facial expression to show that we are indeed sad.... but just a silent cry.. It took me by surprise because didn't realise I am capable of doing it.

It is not only because I have to leave the tranquil place. It is because having to leave love ones. The truth is, I cried because I can't bear the thought that I might never see Well again. The boy who I treated like my own son and in return, treated me like I am his own father.

My very concerned was the fact that he was dyslexic. There is nothing wrong with him. He looks like everyone else. He can engaged in an intellectual conversation, play sport excellently and even had experience acting on stage. The only drawback is he can't read very well. Whilst short-spelled words are easy, long words seem so alien to him. Looking at the work prospects available in Kapit, I don't know what in store for him for his future, if he continue to stay there.. Sigh!

The goodbye hug we shared was like an indicator that we would probably won't be able to see each other again. Last words were exchanged (they were too personal to share here) and tears flows freely again.

It is good to know that I still have a soft spot in my heart. I haven't experience such feeling since my father passed away...

And now.. I am migrating to a new beginning..

Well Celltone Luang, maybe you thought that I give you shelter and protect you from harm..but in reality.. you are the one who give me more than you ever realised, and for that, I thank you.. until we meet again...

SMKK2 Nite 2010


Thinking of deleting this blog and leave everything behind...starting anew.. Hmmmm

Berangan Dalam Waktu Pejabat

Untuk 2 minggu yang panjang ni tak tahu nak buat apa. Syllabus dah habis, soalan exam dah marked and discussed, PEKA dah siap, buku teks dah returned and sekolah tak ada buat apa-apa post-exam activity.

Jadi sekarang ni aku macam lepak-lepak sebab tak tahu apa nak buat. nak siapkan filing untuk serah tugas, pindah atau tak pun belum tentu lagi. Pagi-pagi baca newspaper (semalam punya.. coz Kapit lambat sehari dua dapat NST, The Star memang jangan harapla)

Cuti untuk raya Haji pun belum confirmed berapa hari (tapi for sure Rabu memang cuti). Ramai yang speculate Khamis dan Jumaat ni pun akan dapat cuti. Aku buat tak tahu aje. Simply because apa-apa hal pun aku akan jaga SPM sampai 20th Dec. Jadi tak jadi hal bagi aku cuti panjang atau tak.

Nak kemas barang? Aku just buang benda-benda yang aku rasa tak diperlukan di Semenanjung nanti, nak kemas beria takut (malu). Kalau tak dapat pindah macam mana? Tapi tak mungkin la (kot?). Dah 5 tahun aku kat sini. Lebih dari tempoh sebenarnya.

Nak start berangan dok rumah sendiri? Yang ini seronok, sibuk-sibuk beli magazine interior design, dok pasang angan-angan beli itu ini. Dah mula sediakan gross budget untuk renovation rumah.. haha.. Masalahnya aku colour blind. Hopefully rumah yang aku design konon-konon nanti tak way too colourful and nampak macam sarkas to the normal people.

Starting a family? Hmm.. Yang ini sebenarnya aku dah simpan jauh. Maybe won't be revisiting this option so soon. (or maybe never again.. sigh!). I am tired of it.. Seriously. Pasang angan-angan menggunung simply to be crushed to the ground over and over again. Not everyone was meant to find their soulmate. Maybe I am one of them. Sekarang aku dah ada fokus baru dalam hidup. Nak sambung Master. InsyaAllah.

Rokok Besar Punya

Kes haritu. Dah abis dah. Cuma aku buat lawak pandai.

Ada orang tolong aku kemaskan barang. So aku pergi Bilik Kaunseling curik prop nih.

...dan bagi notis ni.. :p

Mari Mengemas

My pantry seriously needs cleaning up. Huargh!! Bila la nak pindah (ada kena mengena ke statement ni?). besok la kemas. Dalam cerita tak berkaitan, 16hb November 2010 ni result perpindahan antara negeri keluar. Harap-harap dapat. Amin

Citer Rasuah.. Can Beat 'Em.. Join 'Em... NOT!

Update pasal rasuah merasuah tu.. aku dapat tau yang bukan rokok jer.. tapi ada yang bagi $$ sekali.. Hmph!

And yang tak disangka-sangka RAMAI yang terlibat rupanya.. macam mana aku tahu?

Setelah aku bengang tahap Gaban aritu, aku pun cuba untuk menjadi calm and collected..(macam boleh).. so ada beberapa cikgu nasihatkan aku aku untuk pi jumpa Kak Siti (clerk) dan minta dia tolong rizo. My reaction? (It was already Friday, next two days were holidays and the exam is on Monday!!)

Aku cakap kat 'kawan-kawan' aku ni, I don't want to ask anybody to do it, simply because aku dah ikut segala prosedur yang sepatutnya. Aku bagitahu kalau sampai waktu budak nak exam pun tak siap.. Biarlah. Kalau aku kena panggil dengan pengetua pun aku tak kisah sebab aku dah sedia skrip untuk menjawab.

Sooooo.. yang menariknya, ramai yang jadi macam cacing kepanasan. termasuk SMI my own head of department. Rupa-rupanya semua 2 x 5. Sungguh tak disangka-sangka.

Hmm.. last-last ramai orang tak puas hati ngan aku, termasuk SMI.
Tak peduli lah aku.. Be a grown up and admit you have made a mistake. Bukan dengan cara bengang dengan orang yang tahu apa yang ko dah buat.

Persoalan.. adakah kertas aku siap untuk exam semalam? YES.. simply because some of the cacing pergi mintak tolong (atas pihak aku konon) dengan Kak Siti untuk rizo kertas aku.. huhu..

Tak sabar aku nak pindah..

Aku Mengaku Cikgu Memang Ramai Bodoh

Posting kali ini takder tapisan, so kalau sakit jantung tak payah baca..

Pagi- pagi lagi dah hangin. Semalam pasal Q tak habis lagi sekarang ngan si MFH plak. Aku rasa sebab dorang ni la orang pandang rendah ngan profesion perguruan. Buat kerja lembab, pastu menyusahkan orang. Aku pun lembab jugak kadang-kadang tapi selalunya yang menyusahkan diri sendiri, kalau menyusahkan orang pun aku ada courtesy to apologise and admit my mistake.

Ni tidak.. menyusahkan orang siap perli-perli lagi. Dua-dua makhluk ni pasal markah ko-kurikulum. Kes ciput? Bukan kes ciput la, masa depan budak beb. Yang mana kata kes ciput tu cuba korang bayangkan.. peluang anak/adik/anak sedara korang masuk universiti dinafikan sebab markah Penilaian Ko-ku (yang diambil kira untuk masuk IPTA) kosong! Telur! Bukan sebab dia tak ikut ko-ku atau kaki bangku tapi sebab cikgu dia tak buat? So IPTA reject awal-awal sebab tak aktif. Masih anggap ciput lagi? Kalau ye korang pun sama sengal.

Yang Q ni salahkan cikgu tahun lepas kata fail ahli dah hilang. Mentang-mentangla cikgu tu dah pindah senang la cakap. Tapi kalau betul pun salah cikgu tu yang ko tu takkan setiap kali club meeting dalam tempoh setahun ni tak pernah amik attendance budak & namelist? Guna la namelist tu untuk bagi markah. 14 kali compulsory meeting woo!! Takkan sekali pun tak pernah buat? Bodoh!! Sesenang je ko kata bagi 0 saja. Mentang-metang ni Kapit ko ingat dorang takde chance masuk Uni ke? Ko lagi bodoh!!

Yang MFH ni lagi mangkuk.. Kes kelembapan bukan sekali dua. Tapi sebab tak interfere ngan workload aku buat apa aku sibuk. Lantak ko la makan gaji buta. Ko jawab la bila markah SPM RC keluar nanti.. Kenapa coursework semua dapt ciput. (mana tahu kalo ko baca blog ni.. Pengetua siap tanya "ramai yang mintak pindah tapi kenapa MFH ni tak mintak pindah pulak?" Kalau ko tak paham maksod soklan Pengetua ni ko memang tahap brain-dead) Pagi tadi baru nak bagi markah budak yang dah berkurun dulu due date dia. Tak nak kata sorry... takpe la.. aku bukan kesah.. Tapi bila aku cakap aku dah buat siap baru ko bagi.. kenapa ko tanya aku soklan bodoh?

"Kertas rizo ko dah siap?"

Ni la soklan bodoh dia.. Kenapa bodo? Sebab sekolah aku dah corrupt and aku dah bengang (and kalau aku bengang aku bagitahu orang tak duduk senyap-senyap).. Aku antar awal lagi kertas soalan untuk di rizo (cetak) tapi selalu je jadi lambat.. Reason?

Cikgu-cikgu ni RASUAH Nyandang anak Paran (budak opis) ni ngan rokok.. Antar pagi ni tak sampai setengah jam siap.. C!l@k@ betul! (ye aku memang marah!!) Dah la kerja lembab ada hati nak potong queue and nak bangga-bangga pasal kekurang ajaran ko tu.

Semalam pun aku perasan satu yang buat aku bengang. ARM baru je bagi kertas exam untuk di verified. Tup-tup tak sampai 20 minutes lepas verification, kertas dia dah siap di rizo.. Kebetulan aku yang verified.. kebetulan aku pi bilik Nyandang untuk usha kertas aku yang dah berlapuk (exaggerate) kebetulan aku ternampak kertas yang aku baru sahaja tolong sahkan itu dah pun siap di rizo. Aku pun tanya Nyandang, so macam cacing kepanasan dia dolak-dalih. Aku taula gaji Nyandang kecik, tapi kalau ye pun nak take advantage, pastikan yang hantar dulu siap dah.. jangan tunggu orang bagi "hadiah" baru nak buat. Aku kang kalo bengang terus report kat PPD baru ko kena buang kerja. Rasuah is a big crime la.

So soklan "kertas rizo dah siap?" tu memang nak mencari pasal ngan aku la... Bodo and kurang ajar tak bertempat.
Tak suka aku ngan perangai cikgu-cikgu sekarang. Malu aku nak bagitau aku kerja cikgu..
Baik ko semua masuk politik la daripada jadik cikgu pakai otak Lembu!! Ntah-ntah lembu pun korang tak kenal.

Lembu pun rasa terhina disamakan ngan korang berdua!!

Aku tau ada students yang follow blog ni. Just to inform you guys.. pandangan masyarakat memang betul.. RAMAI CIKGU YANG BODOH!!


Last Day... InsyaAllah

Hmm.. If everything goes according to plan, today will be the last day of me teaching in Kapit. Belum pindah lagi cuma sekarang ni Final Exam dah pun mula dan aku dah takde kelas untuk diajar lagi. Suddenly the reality sets in and hit me hard in the head. Macam-macam ada dalam kepala otak ni. Sangat-sangat berkecamuk.

Pasal rumah.....
Pasal sekolah baru...
Pasal nak post kereta...
Pasal nak kemas barang-barang...
Pasal budak-budak yang aku sangat suka kat sini....
Pasal kenangan aku selama 5 tahun...
Pasal achievement yang aku dah dapat capai..
Pasal experience.....
Pasal Well...

So tadi disebabkan ini mungkin akan jadi hari terakhir aku mengajar kat sekolah ni.. lepas abis chapter Heat tadi aku pesan kat 2A2 supaya aim high for PMR and regardless who will be teaching them next year, they have to concentrate on the lesson and not the teacher (coz aku tau ada beberapa cikgu yang dorang tak berapa nak favour).

Tak sangka-sangka plak aku dorang bleh sedih pulak dengan pesanan aku tadi. Aku pun bukan bleh tengok bila orang sedih.. so cecepat kemas barang nak blah & rasa time tu la rasa macam loceng sekolah mogok plak.. lambat pulak nak bunyi. Bunyi je loceng aku cecepat blah...

Tak sangka la plak ada budak menjerit sambil aku kluar tu "cikgu I Love You!" riuh satu kelas.. tapi aku terus jalan jer.. Aku tau siapa empunya voice tu.. Dalam hati aku pun sebenarnya nak cakap dengan dorang semua " I love you all and gonna miss u a lot" huhu ;(

Thursday, 21st Oct 2010, 2221

McDonalds Chicken Porridge Recipe

Hahaha... Gelak dulu.. Yay!! The blog (or the owner) is alive!!

You are here most probably because:

  1. you are searching for the McD's Chicken Porridge recipe
  2. I specifically directed you here to get the recipe (and promotes the blog at the same time)
Dah nak reput dah blog ni. Lama tak update, bukan sebab malas tapi sebab aku telah mengusahakan satu lagi blog yang lebih mendapat perhatian (yang bermaksud akan mendapat cheque dari NuffNang dengan lebih pantas).

The other blog domain? Hahaha (gelak lagi).. Sorry, the content is too explicit (which means clear and exact.. not the other meaning okay). Right now, I can give zillions reasons why I can't really tell you the domain. Let just say, it is full of &$(*!! (and that is what people love to read)

Ok, ok. Let's get back on track. Below is the recipe. And if by any chance you want an English Language version of the recipe.. do PM me.. LOL (macam ada mat salleh baca hahaha gelak-gelak). Seriously!! It will taste exactly like McD's provided you follow them concisely.. Enjoy.. and do leave a comment. Yay!!


  • 1 1/2 cwn beras (lbh kurang 250gm)
  • 1 1/2 inci halia di ketuk
  • 1 kiub pati ayam (hancurkan)
  • 300gm isi ayam or 1/4 ekor ayam
  • sedikit garam
  • 1 liter air


  • lada merah
  • daun bawang
  • daun sup
  • bawang goreng
  • sedikit mninyak bijan


  • ikan bilis n kacang digoreng
  • lada jeruk
  • telur masin

>Rebus ayam hingga empuk.

(air rebus ayam ni campur garam sedikit + sedikit daripada kiub ayam yang dah dihancurkan tadi)

>Keluarkan ayam dan toskan airnya.

>Air rebusan ayam jgn dibuang.

>Basuh beras bersih.

>Masukkan beras dlm periuk lebihan air rebusan ayam.

>Masak beras hingga kembang.

>Masukkan air (1 liter) sedikit demi sedikit.

(Api kecil ya puan-puan)

>Bila bubur hampir masak masukkan halia, kiub ayam dan sedikit garam.

(Pepandai rasa garam supaya manis daripada kanji nasi tak ketara)

>Bubur bolehlah dihidang dgn ayam rebus tadi (siat kecil), bawang goreng, lada merah, daun sup dan bawang goreng.

>Titiskan sikit dgn minyak bijan.

(Tapi secara peribadi, bagus letak minyak bijan dalam individual bowl, lebih terasa umph!)

Sedap mkn dengan ikan bilis, kacang goreng, cili jeruk dan telur masin

(tapi dah tak jadi McD la pulak)

So there you go.. Special credit to my sister.. Kak Nini, for being my on-line tutor. Cheers!!

The Science Exhibition Vol. II

The Volcano............

The BMI and BP test.............

The Fireball....

The magnetic car

The solid to liquid mixture..........

The Science Exhibition

Phew!! The sea of people!!
The science exhibition sangatlah meletihkan coz' I have to 'take care' of the equipment all the time since it is a hands on (read: touch, feel, smell, err... vandalized??) kinda exhibition..

Since 0740 people are coming in to the Biology Lab to see what we, the science teachers have in store for them, the curious kittens.

The Van De Graaff generator that generates much interest from the students.

Ni la dia simple circuit game yang aku selalu buat since aku budak sekolah lagi. Selalu dapat tarik perhatian ramai orang. The bell will go off & the lightbulb will blink when the loop touches the wire. (so kira sapa-sapa yang ada Parkinson's memang tak dapat main la.. te he he).

Budak-budak perempuan yang berdiri tu hanya untuk menambahkan the feeling of nervousness dikalangan pelawat dan telah dilatih untuk mengganggu kosentrasi pemain.. ;)

"jangan tahan nafas" "kenapa muka jadi biru tu" "sikit lagi, sikit lagi' "eh, duit awak jatuh la"

....and the distillation of Sungai Rejang.

Tada!! Ni ialah special project yang aku minta students kelas 2KRK aku siapkan iaitu 7 Classes of Food yang mana dorang tersangatlah teruja untuk tunjukkan since they are the only class yang took part in the exhibition.

Tapi sebenarnya the day before the exhibition dorang masih menonggeng-nonggeng (literally speaking) nak siapkan poster tu.. hahahaha

Hmm... still penat, tapi sok (hey look at the time.. bukan esok la, kejap lagi) akan sambung lagi for the whole day.. and kalau kesibukannya masih sama seperti semalam, maksudnya aku akan lunch dengan hanya minum air 100plus lagi lah.. ;(

Sok akan update tentang apa yang colleagues aku buat untuk exhibition tahun ni. Sebagai contoh..

Fire ball....

..dan tentu sekali aku akan sambung dengan kemerepekan, kemerapuan dan ketidak puasan hati aku tentang sesuatu waktu pameran sains ni in my next post

(hehe.. kalau dah namanya Mr. FriDay dA FourtH... mesti tak pernah puas hati punya.. hehe)

Pergh!! Dah pukul 0250, belum tido.. pukul 0500 dah kena bangun.... Argh!! ZzZZzzz

Wednesday,12th May 2010, 0230

Science Exhibition

Lama tak update.. Sok ada Science Exhibition... Lebih kurang macam Science Fair la tapi bezanya kebanyakan benda-benda Science nyer di set-up oleh cikgu-cikgi.. So aku dah pun siap 3 benda untuk di-exhibit-kan (yang kacang-kacang jer)

1. Van De Graaff Generator..
Sebab dah lama tak di servis and maintenance sangatla terrible, sparks dia dah macam idup segan mati tak mahu. Dah tak bleh nak wat eksperimen best-best. Cadangan awal nak bawa lampu pendaflour and dekatkan dia kat dome Van de Graaff tu, nyala dia nanti tapi sebab dah rosak, aku improvise dia punya eksperimen.. Topi terbang namanya.. hahaha.. Sok up-load pic.

2. Simple circuit
Yang ni memang aku suka buat sejak sekolah menengah, circuit tu kira macam yang Mr. Bean main la.

3. Water Distillation.
Yang ni hopefully yang budak-budak kesayangan aku boleh relate a.k.a paling dekat dihati budak-budak coz' aku guna air Sungai Rejang. Hahaha. Aritu masa eksperimen Amylase Enzyme aku suh dorang kumur-kumur ngan air suling untuk bersihkan mulut. Now they will know how I came up with the air suling.. hehehe.. (tapi yang guna masa eksperimen tu of coursela air paip je aku suling, takdela suling air Sungai Rejang, saja je wat gempak sok)

So dengan Guru Kanan aku yang sangat *&((^*)*)&(&!! kita akan tengok apa akan jadi waktu pameran esok. Malas nak cakap banyak.

P/S: Semalam birthday mak aku yang ke-68. Happy Birthday Mak + Selamat Hari Ibu.. Aku SAYANG SANGAT 10000000000000000000000000000000000x mak aku.

Tuesday, 11th May 201o, 2358


Hahaha... tetiba rasa nak post gambar ni plak..

Sebab apa?

Dah lama aku tak masak..

Semenjak Well dah tak tinggal ngan aku lagi ni, malas rasanya nak masak.

Makan apa yang ada jer. (selalunya takde apa pun kecuali megi, megi, megi)

Sotong berempah tu resepi akhir aku masak.

Tu pun waktu Well ada...


Nak kuar makan pun boring. Sorang-sorang.. Giler di buatnya nanti..

Tapi malam tadi aku kuar gak coz lidah dah kebas ngan perasa Megi 2-3 hari ni.

Mulau pala otak aku skang.

Monday, 26th April 2010, 0141

Hero Yang Bangkak

Ok citer pasal Hero.. (as promised pada post sebelumnya) and FYI tajuk di atas tu bukan typo.. Bangkak is an Iban word.

Aku dah berusaha bersusah payah untuk yakinkan PPD Kapit untuk hantar team aku wakili Kapit di Sri Aman. Perincian dia tak perlulah kot? Cukupla kalau aku katakan, aku betul-betul bekerja keras untuk convinced dorang yang mereka perlu dihantar. (setelah 3 tahun lamanya tak hantar team)

Sampai sana kitorang diundi bersama pasukan Sibu dan Miri.

Hari pertama, kitorang lawan Sibu. Sibu memang kuat and kitorang kalah.

So malam tu sedang sibuk-sibuk bincang tactical and strategy untuk jumpa Miri the next morning, Hero bersuara,

Ngai aku main pagila, Nyamai gik tindok!

Meaning: Tak nak aku main esok.. Best lagi tidor!!

Yang menyebabkan rentak jantung aku mula berdegup kencang dan rasanya memang boleh makan orang masatu.

Timing dia memang best, waktu orang tengah semangat nak rancang strategi, time orang baru rasa macam nak bangkit balik..


Hero memang tak guna. (Ya! Tiada self-censorship lagi. memang dia TAK GUNA!) Masa olahraga antara rumah haritu dia buat macam-macam hal,

1. Rekod lompat jauh dia dipadam oleh Jockey Soo, dia bising macam kucing nak kena kasi. Throwing tantrum everywhere.
2. Lompat jauh dia dah tak berapa jauh dah, orang lain lebih hebat dari dia.. dia terus blah tanpa habiskan lompatan... takder semangat kesukanan langsung
3. Dia tinggalkan 3 orang team member dia terkontang-kanting kat padang untuk acara 4 x 400m relay. Langsung tak hadir and tak inform mana-mana jurulatih.

Then waktu handball practice pun macam si@l. Orang tak boleh lebih daripada dia. Kalau main hebat sket. Dia akan cakap:

Tak payah la nak tunjuk hebat sekarang. Setakat praktis memang boleh.


So sebab itulah aku punya jantung macam nak meletop bila dia sebut camtu. Coz I know he wasn't joking.

Come on la. Aku pun tak expect korang menang, cuma aku harap korang happy ngan experience yang korang dapat.

Tapi takkan kalah dah tak nak main?

Takkan la ini balasan atas usaha aku bersusah payah nak antar korang sampai peringkat Negeri?

Ko ingat ko bagus sangat ke?

Ko ingat Kapit kuat sangat ke banding ngan bahagian-bahagian lain yang arrived with entourage of physiotherapy lah, profesional coach lah, medical officer lah?

So, apa yang berlaku malam tu memang aku sendiri tak jangka la...

Mula-mula aku kuar dari dorm yang aku duduk bersama-sama ngan dorang tu..

Tarik napas... hembus.. tarik.. hembus..

Sambil kepala otak aku pikir macam mana cara terbaik untuk tackle problem ini..

Aku masuk balik..

Amik wallet aku, kuarkan RM5 x 2.. then campak kat muka dia..

Aku cakap tu duit elaun dia untuk esok.. skang jugak dia boleh balik.. then

"Kau memang pelajar paling SIAL pernah aku jumpa!!"

Camne leh kuar perkataan tu ek? Menyesal memang menyesal.. Tak pernah pun sebelum ni kuar perkataan sebegitu kepada students aku. But then, I think.. that was the best word to describe him at that time.

Mind you, aku bukan kenal dia sebulan dua tapi aku dah train dia since 2006, so I think I am entitle to call him that based on ALL the previous experience/problems/attitudes I encountered with him. (so kenapa aku masih rasa bersalah?)

Budak-budak lain dah mula diam dah. takde lagi gelak-gelak, rasa cam dok kat library plak. Aku terus blah pegi mandi. nak cooling off. Lantak ko lah.

Siap mandi, Ada RM10 atas tilam, aku jadik hot balik, campak sekali lagi...


nanti la sambung.. kalo aku rajin...

Monday, 26th April 2010, 0045

Bola Baling MSS Sarawak 2010

Lama dah tak blog betul-betul.. Kerja terlalu banyak (Ye macamla orang lain takder kerjakan)

Jadi, apa yang baru?

Let me see.

Aku pi Sri Aman untuk Pertandingan Bola Baling MSS Sarawak and we lost. Yup! Kalah, tapi memang dah expect akan kalah pun. Dah 3 tahun Kapit tak hantar team ke peringkat Negeri so players memang tak pernah expose dalam peringkat ni, but then aku rasa it is a very priceless experience..

Team yang hantar hanya 6 iaitu:
Team A
Sri Aman

Team B

Disebabkan hanya 6 team yang bertanding tak boleh gak kata kalah kot? Sebab lagi 5 bahagian yang tak hantar tu dah dikira kalah tanpa bertandingla (samada diorang takder players or takder budget) Miri and Samarahan memang team seeded so dorang memang dah dipecahkan awal-awal.

So kitorang terpaksa berhadapan ngan Sibu dulu.

Masa lawan Sibu ni budak-budak memang blur, belum dapat pacing yang betol. Yelah dorang baru 1st game meanwhile Sibu dah lawan Miri pagi tu. Kitorang kalah 6-11 pada Sibu but it is a good experience tho. Walaupun aku rasa Sibu main tak ikut rules (banyak rempuhan, faulty body contact, dan lain-lain yang tak dikesan referee), tapi okla atleast budak -budak aku dapat rasa what it feels to play against best players from other district. Aku pun dapat experience tukar-tukar strategi untuk tak dibelasah teruk.

Lawan Miri the next day plak, coach (aku la tu) and players lebih bersedia. Permainan lebih bersih and referee lebih peka. Kitorang still kalah tapi we were fighting back. Hanya kalah 4-2 saja kepada Miri. Hebat kan?

And keputusan akhir..

1st is Kuching.
2nd Samarahan
3rd Sibu
4th Miri (Sibu was a bit too rough so I personally thinks Miri showed better sportmanship)
5th Kapit
6th Sri Aman (respect dorang, walaupun kena belasah teruk 20-0 dengan Kuching, masih cool)

Yup... itu result dia.. dan posting ini sangat skema kan?? Well, actually, ada kisah disebalik ini semua.. Terutamanya tentang Hero yang kena sumpah dengan aku.. but itu kemudianlah cerita.. Gambar pun belum sempat upoad lagi..


Suday, 25th April 2010, 2359

Seriously In Need of Lotsa-lotsa Thirsty Hippo

Tau Thirsty Hippo tu apa??
Ni dia....

nak tau kegunaan dia apa?
Kalau ikut pada kotak...
it is a moisture absorber.. in plain bahasa.. Penyerap Kelembapan...

Aku rasa nak beli banyak-banyak untuk jadikan souvenir kepada orang-orang yang sangat lembab yang bekerja di sekeliling aku. Terutamanya dari ***

Ini kisah aku yang menguruskan team Bola Baling L18 dan P18..

Makanan budak tak setel... pagi first day tu dah ada problemo... last-last dapat disetelkan setelah negotiate dengan Kapit2 punya dewan makan..

His response?

Owh.. Saya lupa bagitau SK Kg. Baru.. (aku dah gitau dia 2 minggu lepas dah supaya inform.. Kenapa aku takle inform sendiri? Sebab aku tidak ada kuasa untuk mengarahkan SK Kg Baru, aku hanya cikgu biasa) Nevermind, U urus dengan dewan you dulu untuk breakfast ni boleh? Petang nanti baru bleh amik dari Kg. Baru... (ok. Fine.. Boleh saja.. Everybody makes mistakes.. right? Wrong!!)

Petang tu aku pi Kg. Baru.. Untuk amik bekalan petang plak. Tergezut bila dorang kata takder sapa inform pasal penyediaan makanan pun.. (WTF??? Pagi tadi dah ada prob.. takkan tak tau lagi kot?? Kenapa still tak inform?? Lembab tahap gaban ke apa?? Nasib Kg. Baru paham masalah aku & sepantas kilat masak nasik untuk bebudak tu.. tq very much!!)

Tu ok lagi tu... makanan, tak disediakan.. Harini.. Ahad, 18 April.. sehari sebelum perjalanan ke Sri Aman, aku tergerak untuk tanya pasal jersi team aku.

***: Belum order, saya lupa.. Macam mana?? Sekolah u ada jersi?? Guna dulu.

Me: How bout I shoved a bunch of Thirsty Hippo down your throat??

Sunday, 18th April 2010, 1730

Confessions of a Cikgu

Sunday April 11, 2010

Confessions of a Cikgu

Teacher Talk by NITHYA SIDHHU

A senior teacher talks about how she is fast losing her enthusiasm for the job because of the ever-increasing non-teaching chores she has to take on.

IT was recently announced that a committee, headed by Education Director-General Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom, and comprising representatives from various teachers’ unions, has been directed to look into complaints by teachers on how they have been burdened with other chores instead of focusing on their primary duty — teaching.

However, it is comforting to know that the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, has himself said that he feels that there is a basis to teachers’ concerns. He wants the committee to thrash out problems and get back to him with sound recommendations to improve the lot of teachers in the country. The deadline? Two months.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Teachers are looking forward to some positive and workable recommendations from the committee.

The story below is of a teacher with 27 years of experience whom I shall refer to as Tee. Tee loves sharing her knowledge with students. She even takes pride in class projects and thoroughly enjoys the interaction with her charges.

However, over the years, she has been burdened with paper work and has been constantly called to work on Saturday and dumped with more responsibilities.

Such duties which can easily be carried out by a clerk, is taking a toll on Tee, 52, who is losing her enthusiasm for teaching. It will be a shame if the country has to lose dedicated teachers like her.

A steady job

Tee was born in a small town in Selangor, and is the eldest of 10 children. Tee’s father was a lorry driver and her mother, a rubber tapper. After completing her secondary school education, she decided to teach and had applied for a place in the then teacher training college (it is now known as teacher training institute).

“It had always been my ambition to be a teacher and my parents had no objections, so long as their eldest daughter had a steady job, or as they would refer to it, an ‘iron rice bowl’ job.”

However, before that materialised, she accepted a JPA (Public Services Commission) teaching scholarship at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Science and graduated with honours in 1983. She obtained a Diploma in Education from UKM the following year.

Tee started teaching in a secondary school in Karak, Pahang and had stints in Sekinchan, Sg. Pelek and Selayang all in Selangor, before she was posted to her present school in Petaling Jaya in 2004.

“When I began to teach in the eighties in small towns, students then were very simple and they respected their teachers.

They did not seek much outside help or tuition for the subjects they were weak in, as they do today.

“At that time, their only source of knowledge and solution to their problems lay in doing the homework we gave them in school.

“As such, the the teacher-student relationhip was good. I could actually chart the personal development my students made under my tutelage. We teachers were instrumental in shaping their personality and character,” she says proudly.

Tee does not mince her words when she is asked to comment on how teaching was like, more than two decades ago.

“Those days, all I had to do was to teach, guide and to get to know my students as well as I could. If there was paperwork, it was minimal.

“If you look at students today, you can see that, because of their exposure, they are more knowledgeable. They have higher expectations and demand more from their teachers. I even feel that some of them are very egotistical.”

There’s one aspect of her job that Tee feels has changed for the better — preparing and setting examination questions.

“It was a more difficult task back then, but now, with the advent of numerous workbooks, the computer and educational DVDs, the job has become so much easier.”

I ask her if she is satisfied being a teacher.Tee thinks hard before responding.

“When I first began teaching, my salary was very low but I was a happy teacher. Today, my salary is much higher, and rightfully I should be happy, but I am not.”

“The clerical work I have to do, is becoming unbearable. You see, as a Mathematics teacher, I already have a lot of preparation, planning and marking to do.

“Now, on top of that, there are many other deadlines to be met. All parties, including parents, the principal, colleagues and students have high expectations.”

As a ketua bidang (head of department), life at school is even more stressful for Tee.

She is in charge of several academic programmes and for her, the documentation and filing she has to oversee, is literally back-breaking.

At 52, and with menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flushes, plaguing her, Tee’s sentiments about school have not changed.

In fact, for the first time in her teaching career, she was stressed and worried when the new school year began in January.

“I was anxious about my work and the ever-increasing responsibilities for the entire year. Could I take all this and more for another year?” she asks with a frown.

Tee tells me of an ex-colleague who had just passed away due to breast cancer, and of another one, who was currently undergoing treatment for uterine cancer.

When Tee herself went for a mammogram recently at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), she was startled to hear from a nurse at the Radiotherapy Department that nine out of 10 patients undergoing chemotherapy at the hospital were teachers.

“Do you think it’s caused by stress?” she asks.

I found her question disturbing to say the least. Can it be?

Blank expressions

“You know,” she tells me, “I also find myself thinking a lot about my students these days. Sometimes, when I see ‘blank expressions’ on their faces, especially from those who are academically weaker, I wonder to myself ‘Why are they here? What do they feel about having to learn something that is not relevant to their daily life?

“For some of them, Mathematics is such an alien subject that even I begin to wonder what I am doing with them. On top of that, I feel that students today have to learn too many subjects and this makes life very challenging for the weaker students.”

Tee is of the opinion that the Government should set up more vocational schools to provide living skills training to this group of students.

“At least then we can help produce our own skilled workers, rather than having to import them.”

Tee feels that these days, she is more like a clerk doing paperwork instead of spending time giving personal attention to her academically-challenged students.

“Just think. Each class has about 30 to 40 students, so to be efficient, one has to have classroom management skills too. With the type of students we have, it is no easy task managing them. Many young teachers are afraid when they have to enter a classroom.”

Tee also regrets that with her increasing workload, she has little time to mentor and guide young teachers at her school.

“These teachers lack experience badly, and I feel they need to be guided for at least a year.

“With senior teachers being bogged down with non-teaching duties, there is hardly any time to develop a young teacher’s potential, or help boost their self-confidence.

“Often, they just get thrown into the deep end of the pool and unlike us — the teachers of the older generation, who had so much more grit and resilience — this group of young teachers take a longer time to adjust and cope.”

Tee tells me that despite being graduates, many of them lack communicational skills.

“For the teaching of Science and Maths in the higher forms, young teachers simply aren’t competent in the language of instruction.

“Students then start complaining and parents start calling up the school demanding an explanation.”

Tee shakes her head. “If I’m given the choice today, I don’t think I’ll choose to be a teacher anymore. I’m not against teaching; I enjoy being with my students. In fact, I’m at my happiest when I’m in the classroom. But our job today isn’t just to teach and deal with students, is it?”

“Don’t get me wrong. In class, I still do all I can for my students. I know they view me as a stern person because I follow the rules and I mean business when I am teaching them. I’m a hardworking and responsible teacher.

“I do sometimes crack a joke or two, and we all laugh together. Sometimes I tell them stories about my difficult childhood and how I had to be like a mother to all my younger siblings — how I had to act responsibly even when I was just a teen and the amount of housework I had to do and how difficult life was for me.

“I know my students admire me for the determination I have shown through the years to make something of myself. We have a good relationship – my students and I. I am firm but kind. I even treat them with sweets and chocolates.”

Tee also shares with me what she thinks about her relationship with her students.

“Oh, without question - they are very bold, talkative and not as disciplined. They want to be treated as friends rather than as students. In class, they are quick with their comments and remarks.

“In fact, I get aggravated when my students are rude or indifferent.

“But, personally, I’m a cheerful person so I do let down my guard once in a while and have some fun with them. As a teacher, I realise that they have needs that I must meet.

“For their sake therefore, I have to be prepared mentally and emotionally, as well as be sound in my own knowledge, especially in the subject that I teach. So far, that has not been a problem with me.

“When they tell me that I’m the best Additional Mathematics teacher they’ve had, I feel truly rewarded.

“When they get good results in Maths, some of them have even hugged and thanked me for being their teacher.

“I like getting positive feedback from my students, and I must admit that I feel young because I’m always surrounded by them.

“So, you see, it’s not the teaching part I don’t like. It’s the other chores that get me down.”

I ask Tee what is the best compliment she has received as a teacher. She is wistful, but her answer moves me as it still does her.

“One of the happiest moments in my life was when a mother thanked me for helping her son to be a cheerful, confident young man.

“The mother told me that her relationship with her son had improved tremendously because of me. It felt very good that I had such an effect on someone’s life.”

Does Tee have any advice for young teachers?

“Be committed, be knowledgeable and be prepared for what you are supposed to do. Always remember that if you want your own children to be taught by good teachers, then be a good teacher to the children of others. What goes around comes around.”

On a serious note, Tee is already thinking of applying for optional retirement next year simply because of the ever-increasing non-teaching chores.

-taken from The Star