I M Behind Everything


There are seem to be toooooooo many works but toooo lil' time to complete 'em...
Banyak nyer kerja tertangguh tapi tak reti-reti nak mula..

Dengan politikus di office yang sangat hancing dan menyesakkan nafas.. I really need to vent my anger.. but how?

Try to jog my frustration out but what I get are sore feet and aching muscle but the ketidakpuasan hati masih menebal...


.... Inhale.. exhale...

Need to plan for the next trip.. need to plan for the next trip.. need to plan for the next trip..

P/S: Really miss my mom.. ;(

Sunday, 28th February 2010, 2138

Taman Negara Bako

Jalan-jalan cari buaya ;)

Thursday, 25th Feb 2010, 2210

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot..."

Entered a shop in Kapit.. they were playing the Auld Lang Syne tune... Dam*!!

Owh.. Syahdu syahdan.... almost teary eyed..

Kanapa impaknya begitu??

Hmm.. bring back lotsa lotsa memories la this tune...

.. scout.
.. old boys..
... college

... and also make me think bout the future that is not that far either.


Tuesday, 23rd Februari 2010, 2216

Commitment is "The word of the day"

Hero & I @ Sibu

Really appreciate this boy commitment lah (sometimes). On Friday, he went to my house at 0730 to wake me up coz janji nak siapkan padang yang tertangguh semalam. Regardless of what other people POV of him, I think the boy is true to his words lah. (sometimes). After having breakfast prepared by the Chef a.k.a Well. We started working at 0800 under the scorching sun till 1130.

Then after that, still sweaty,tired and smothered with white paint, he went straight to the wharf to catch the express to Sibu. (pity the lad who sat next to him.. hope his/her sensory organs aren't that sensitive haha)

Ada hal ngan family rupanya.. If I were him, sah-sah tak datang dah pagi tu. (dah lah 3 orang jer yang datang). Mana nak kejar bot lagi, dengan bau lagi.. hehe..

At 1500, aku plak turun Sibu, (coz nak pi Kuching the next day) met up with him and had dinner THREEgather... still wearing the SAME shirt he was wearing that morning.. Thank god takde bau.. hahaha.

Beli belah?? Nope... blah tanpa beli ;)

Makan-makan Tahun Baru Cina

Monday, 22nd Feb 2010, 2258

Handball Court Making 101

1 barrel of recycle engine oil

6 sticks with cloth wrap-around it

1 50 metres measuring tape

10 piles

1 500m plastic ropes

2 goal post 'stolen' from nearby primary school

6 able bodied players/crews (including 1 son's of land survey officer who messed up the
measurement... Duh!!)

1 dedicated coach a.k.a Me ;)

Tadaaa... The professional looking end-product
Thursday, 11th February 2010, 2136

Happy Chinese New Year

Makan-makan with my 'long jump technical crews'

Final posting before heading to Kuching.....

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Thursday, 11 February 2010, 0928

The Captain Is In Da House...

Lepak? Not exactly.. Ni bebudak tikau bol a.k.a handball.... Aku sehebehenaharnya takde mood nak latih handball tahun nih.. Tetapi... bebudak ni memang tahu "weakness" aku... Can say NO indirectly but when being asked upfront... I don't have the heart to break their spirit...

Actually tahun ni.. pertandingan hanya peringkat sekolah jak.. PPD takde buat pertandingan antara bahagian. So malas la nak melatih. Buang karan jak... And lagi satu.. aku ada sedikit kebengangan dengan Hero.. (bukan nama sebenar) atas apa yang dia buat masa olahraga haritu... Bukan aku sorang je bengang.. seluruh bala kontigen rasa cam nak luku palak si Hero ni... and aku cam dah berpatah arang daripada jadi coach (untuk kali keberapa ntah aku cakap macam ni dalam tempoh 4 tahun sudah...)

Tetapi.... bila Hero datang melepak malam-malam sambil tunjuk 'kecederaan' yang teramat balat (konon) and mintak kasih... ditambah dengan sms yang mintak simpati... (Ye lah.. kat kedai pun ada ubat.. bukan mahal pun... tapi bila carik gak aku setakat nak mintak antibiotik and losyen kuning....~~cair~~cair~~cair~~lebur~~.. memang cepat cair ngan perangai bebudak ni... nak-nak dah kenal selama 5 TAHUN!! Dah kenal dah perangai inside-out)

How can I say no? Terus tipon Andy Emporium mintak cat 2 tin nak 'buat' padang.

Sooooo... bola baling diteruskan......

P/S: Actually I DO like people visiting and enjoy their company very-very much... tapi macam pesanan yang nampaknya selalu je masok telinga kanan keluar telinga kirri... Call la dulu.. bleh la prepare rumah and takla nampak macam tongkang pecah sangat.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010, 2230

Sports Day.... The Events

Yup... We won the marching competition too....

After 12 hours heavy downpour, the long jump looks more like a muddy pool.

347 is my favourite runner/athlete/handball player/student.... complete with real tattoo.

Go Nilam Go!!! Amat steady.. Nilam!!

Lotsa other pics & interesting story will be updated soon... including my victory run .. hehehe...

Mission Accomplish-ed!!

At exactly 1550, 6th Feb 2010...
..................I got my GOLD!!! Muahaha...

Monday, 8th Feb 2010, 2124