No sarcasm intended.

The new term will start soon and I have mixed emotions about it.

After all these years of teaching and surrounded by BIG students (and sometimes intimidating 'em so that they won't intimidate me), crunching numbers and manipulating formulas in Physics, Science and Maths, I am now in charge of form 1 students...

Yup, the munchkins,

.....but this is not an ordinary students, this class is special, it is the second to last class.. and based on last year students allocation/distribution, this is where the students who could barely read or write will be put together.. and starting next year i.e. tomorrow, I will be their their not only that I have to put them in ease (of the transition to a new school), but also have come out with a plan on how to teach them according to their abilities....

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining here. I am just at loss on how to start? What to say? How to comfort the nervous parents (when the teacher himself is jittery)? What to teach?


Thursday, 31st Dec 2009, 1521

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