Hahaha... Gelak dulu.. Yay!! The blog (or the owner) is alive!!

You are here most probably because:

  1. you are searching for the McD's Chicken Porridge recipe
  2. I specifically directed you here to get the recipe (and promotes the blog at the same time)
Dah nak reput dah blog ni. Lama tak update, bukan sebab malas tapi sebab aku telah mengusahakan satu lagi blog yang lebih mendapat perhatian (yang bermaksud akan mendapat cheque dari NuffNang dengan lebih pantas).

The other blog domain? Hahaha (gelak lagi).. Sorry, the content is too explicit (which means clear and exact.. not the other meaning okay). Right now, I can give zillions reasons why I can't really tell you the domain. Let just say, it is full of &$(*!! (and that is what people love to read)

Ok, ok. Let's get back on track. Below is the recipe. And if by any chance you want an English Language version of the recipe.. do PM me.. LOL (macam ada mat salleh baca hahaha gelak-gelak). Seriously!! It will taste exactly like McD's provided you follow them concisely.. Enjoy.. and do leave a comment. Yay!!


  • 1 1/2 cwn beras (lbh kurang 250gm)
  • 1 1/2 inci halia di ketuk
  • 1 kiub pati ayam (hancurkan)
  • 300gm isi ayam or 1/4 ekor ayam
  • sedikit garam
  • 1 liter air


  • lada merah
  • daun bawang
  • daun sup
  • bawang goreng
  • sedikit mninyak bijan


  • ikan bilis n kacang digoreng
  • lada jeruk
  • telur masin

>Rebus ayam hingga empuk.

(air rebus ayam ni campur garam sedikit + sedikit daripada kiub ayam yang dah dihancurkan tadi)

>Keluarkan ayam dan toskan airnya.

>Air rebusan ayam jgn dibuang.

>Basuh beras bersih.

>Masukkan beras dlm periuk lebihan air rebusan ayam.

>Masak beras hingga kembang.

>Masukkan air (1 liter) sedikit demi sedikit.

(Api kecil ya puan-puan)

>Bila bubur hampir masak masukkan halia, kiub ayam dan sedikit garam.

(Pepandai rasa garam supaya manis daripada kanji nasi tak ketara)

>Bubur bolehlah dihidang dgn ayam rebus tadi (siat kecil), bawang goreng, lada merah, daun sup dan bawang goreng.

>Titiskan sikit dgn minyak bijan.

(Tapi secara peribadi, bagus letak minyak bijan dalam individual bowl, lebih terasa umph!)

Sedap mkn dengan ikan bilis, kacang goreng, cili jeruk dan telur masin

(tapi dah tak jadi McD la pulak)

So there you go.. Special credit to my sister.. Kak Nini, for being my on-line tutor. Cheers!!

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