Hadiah Hari Guru

Tuesday, 19th MAY 09, 1151

Posting ini bukan posting show off... sekadar nak berkongsi keceriaan..
harap maklom.. 

Cawan Tupperware dari pihak SMK Kapit 2

Antara presents yang bebudak Kapit 2 bagi kat aku..

Bouquet of flowers dari Polymena 1a6

Kad dari Michelle Kelimbik 2a6

Kad (& multicolor pen) dari Shirly Asap 4sn2

Kad (& marker pen) dari Supia Tungan 4sc2

Lil' puppy dari Thressie Tinggau 2a6

Gula-gula dari anak Cikgu Esop (aku tak tau nama dia haha)


Dear Students....
 (to be continued)

Teachers' Day Fiesta

Monday 18th MAY 09, 1844

Last Saturday was Teacher's Day... Yup MY day...

The fiesta mood was on the air.. The sky was soooooooooooo brite that morning...

The celebration begins at 8:00 o'clock...

It's fun! fun! fun! (and funny too). The main reason it's soooo fun was because our Principal, Mr. Douglas was such a sport on that day.....

The ceremony begins as usual...

bacaan doa....

lagu NEGARAKU....

lagu SMK Kapit 2 (it is a boring song, even our Principal agreed that our school urgently need a new high spirited song... but that day.. the song seem very spiritual due to the fact that the students were eagerly singing (read:scream) on top of their lungs)...

Bacaan perutusan...

Bla.. bla.. bla....

Then... a couple of performances from the beloved students..

Nyanyian lagu Hari Guru (which I ve already memorized 2 days earlier.. hahaha show off.. show off!)......

Best gak lagu dia.. download the song here if you want...

Then potong cake.... it was a 3-tier cakes and I managed to snapped a PERFECT pic

of the cake...


the couple..... hehe..

Hmmmmmmmm.. Wait a sec.....

Ahhh... perfect... Our principal, Mr Douglas and Senior Asst. Madam Kong Mee Yoke...

hahahahha..... (just a harmless joke ohkay...)

Actually we were celebrating our school's birthday too.. She turns 4 on 11th May 2009...
So actually it was a double celebration.............

Then.. the Tupperware-giving ceremony.. ( kenapa takder sesi tukar-tukar hadiah...?? argh!!!)

Cikgu Ngui and Cikgu Fila... The real cuties... hehe

Haaa.. here comes the best part.....

All of us teachers were asked to "chicken dance" in front of the sea of students....

our own students......

the one that we have successfully shown and maintained the art of looking fierce and menace...

and now...

chicken dance................

Laporan bergambar... hahahah

Principal: I might as well just stand here lah.... Pretending not to care.....

Principal: But it looks kinda fun.. how is it done again?? squeeze-squeeze, flap-flap, gelek-gelek, clap-clap... hmmmmmmm.......

Principal: Flap-flap like this ka??

Principal: Then gelek-gelek... like this??

Principal: Aiyoh.. they gone berserk already!!!!

Principal: Hey!! You know what they say... If you can't beat them... join them hehehehe

Seeee.............. I've told ya...

our Principal is such a sport......

This is the picture of Group A performing.. I was in Group B (which became the Most Sportive group of course) That is why I am nowhere to be seen here...

There's nothing wrong with my K800i. The pictures weren't so sharp because the cameraman a.k.a ME couldn't stop giggling and the movement was sooo fast..

Nope.. I won't post the picture of our group here... ever...

( I was shortlisted as the Cikgu Paling Sporting twice.. but of course... we let our beloved Principal to take home the title.... he deserved it meh...)

Happy Teacher's Day!!!!!!!


Saturday, 16 MAY 09, 1731


P/S: Pastinya aku akan delete entry ni later... but now.. biarla dia ada kat sini...
I don't have any shoulder to cry on... so biarlah the whole world yang stumble upon this entry baca....

Selamat Hari Guru!!

Friday, 15th May 2009, 0933

Really... really... really bored......

The aura of students sitting for their exam is very.....

what is the word eh??

mengantuk-king...... it can really lull you to sleep..

So.. I switch on the laptop and the creative fluid is flowing like a huge tsunami....



Tomorrow is My Day...

Happy Teacher's Day to all pengajar di...


kepada semua guru-guru, pengajar, coach, pendidik, ustaz, ustazah, pakcik-pakcik, makcik-makcik yang pernah mengajar aku walau satu perkara kecil sekalipun...

tak lupa juga kepada semua pendidik anak bangsa di seluruh Malaysia...

Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa..

thanks a zillion...


An Eye For An Eye

Thursday, 14th MAY, 2115

It is 2117 and already feeling sleepy... ZzZzzzzzZZzz

Before aku start, aku nak ucap takziah pada satu cikgu nih....

I'm assuming she must had gone through a really terrible childhood days..

Aku tak kenal sangat cikgu ni coz she is a new temp and isn't that friendly to others... (I think)

Nonetheless, aku bukan nak permainkan nama dia cuma tadi waktu sekolah ada cikgu tanya sapa duty harini so I took one quick glance at the duty roaster and almost burst into uncontrol teary eyed laughter..

Take a look at No. 2.........

Ok.. ok enough bout it....


Back to the story kenapa aku pissed off sangat pagi ni....

This week is Examination week for all of the students, so normally there would be a buzz of activities going on in Bilik Perkembangan Staff/Bilik Setiausaha Peperiksaan a.k.a bilik simpan kertas exam...

Teachers are going in and out putting their papers in the 'pigeon holes' provided for each classess so that other would be invigilators could easily locate which papers for which classess...

Bilik SU Peperiksaan ni ada satu tradisi yang dah di buat sejak dari pembukaan sekolah lagi, 

...... anybody who wishes to enter MUST twirl around three times and do a little bit of break-dancing before they could enter... 

Nah.. just messing around...

anybody who wishes to enter MUST take off their shoes... 

(yes. It is a tradition started by our first SU P... Cikgu Rohazliza) 

because during that time (or era if you may) some Muslim teachers used to perform their prayers there...... 

and praying area must be spick and span... hence.. the rule...

and now.. eventhough no one use it as a surau anymore.. the tradition continues.. even our ex-pengetua has put up a signboard to let teachers know bout the rule.. A huge green sign high up above the door.


But there are some teachers who are just plain ignorance (or SuPtiD).......

Hence..  Case no 1..

Cikgu ni temp jak... selambar je masok pakai kasot high heel dia.. Bila aku tegur..... Dengan muka ngegeh dan penuh kejegitan.. terlompat-lompat (as if she's walking on air ke apa??) and made her exit without showing any guilt..

Case No. 2

Different time (just a few minutes from the first case kot... aku turun balik utk amik kertas exam and guess what??

The same teacher, with the same pair of shoes.. and the same attitude was in the room... 

bila nampak aku jerk.. start la macam berok sekali lagik... cis.. tak pernah aku tengok beruk pakai baju batik.. (it is Thursday... remember??)

Then aku pun menyuarakan rasa tak puas hati pada kuncu-kuncu aku yang lain (a.k.a orang yang sama-sama ada waktu tradisi ini bermula) & they told me that new teachers @ freshly posted @ temp memang selalu buat camtu and memang dah selalu di tegur tapi wat muka beruk jer... 

Come on lah... kepimpinan melalui teladan lah sket...

Mind you, this is not the case of senior vs junior...

Maybe it is not a big deal for them... but for me... 

as teachers... we should show a good example la kan.. the signboard is so obvious.. lagipun
aku taknakla bukak kasut semata-mata nak "vacum" atau "sweep" daki-daki kasut cikgu-cikgi yang lain yang masuk bilik tu ngan stoking aku nih.... respekla weih...



I come up with this.....

Notis bergambar yang dilekat pada pintu masuk bilik SU P...

Pada yang tak nampak.... the fineprint says



Tell you bout the reaction tomorrow..

U Pissed Me Off B*^7h!!

Thursday, 14th MAY, 1002

Bengang tol aku pagi ni.. 

Bengang tahap gaban.....

Sebenarnya kebengangan ni berpunca dari malam tadi lagi..

Pukul 9 malam 

Aku dengan perut yang lapar dan penatnyer pegi la "Pintu Gerbang" untuk late supper (which I shouldn't do considering the weight I am in now)...

The waiter was so blur that I had to repeat my order 4 times... which wasn't that complicated at all.....

2gik ABC biasa sik boh engkah santan (DON'T ask!!)
sigek bihun sup.. ada sik??

"Ada, ada" dengan confident nya dia jawab

sigek nasi ayam (wonder why sarawakian didn't translate it to nasik manuk, note to self: ask Si Gem later)

After roughly 20 minutes (seriously) of waiting, Nasik ayam si Well pun sampai.... 

then 5 minutes later... ABC... with SANTAN ( I really shouldn't bother).. then tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu... siap aku terpikir aku  ke  diaorang ni yang waiter (penunggu)....

Aku pun pi tanya.....

"Bihun sik da gik..." 

Ceh.. What The Frog Bi&^%&h!!!!??

"Mun sikda kena' sik madah awal-awal????"aku marah gak la sket...
Dia leh wat muka blur macam  katak pisang kena picit.

Aku pun malas nak gadoh.. sebab aku ni lebih bagus and educated dari diorang 

(kat luar la, kat dalam blogni suka hati aku la.. aku punya blog)

biarla dia sorang je bodo, bebal, bangkak, dadak, goblok, bangang, celaka.. Shit!!!

Aku suh Well sedot abis-abis ABC dia (rugila kalo tak abis.. nanti kena bayar gak) then aku suh dia pi bayar. 

(amikla macik gubluk... bleh pi Haji cepat)

Aku pun balik dengan tensen dan perot laparnyer.. sesia je tunggu and buang masa... kalau tahu tadik baik aku masak jer.. aku ni pandai masak tau!!!

Ni buktinya...

Kami wakil Negeri Sarawak masa Pertandingan Memasak Anjuran Maggi Peringkat Kebangsaan kat Kelantan  tahun lepas.... 

Coach @ Chef @ Pengajar dia 2-2 cikgu Fizik..... bukan cikgu ERT hahaha

 (ada tak mana-mana bakul yang aku leh masuk sendiri??)


Kembali ke cerita asal....

So... dengan mengantuk dan laparnya terpaksa la aku come up with something healthy (yeah.. rite!) to eat...

check fridge... ada:
  • leftover mixed veggies
  • daging burger
  • tomato ketchup
  • tomatoes

check pantry cupboard ada:
  • spaghetti sauce
  • spaghetti

So... voila...

Maka terciptalah... Spaghetti with minced beef pada malam-malam hari....

Dan yang paling syoknyer....

Well yang dah makan nasik ayam tadik... 

bersungguh-sungguh makan macam dah berabad tak jumpa makanan

 (maksudnya apa yer??? mana bakul tadi...?? aku nak masuk balik nih)

So tu kebengangan malam tadik.... 

buang masa, 

sakit hati, 
kena masak gak,
then kena kemas   & basoh pinggan lagi 

(dengan bantuan Well of course)

Pagi tadi plak...... There s another B(*&h that really pissed me off!!

Pergh... sambung nanti la....  kelas 4sc2 menunggu....

Misi Hari Guru....

Wednesday, 13th MAY, 1235

Hari guru Sabtu ni....

Hadiah untuk tukar sesama cikgu dah lama aku beli.. import dari KL lagi tu..

Tahun lepas habis satu bandar Kapit cikgu-cikgi Kapit2 ni selongkar untuk cari the perfect last minute gift 
termasukla aku sekali... 

Tapi semua end-up kat kedai RM2.50 dan sewaktu dengannya (read: cheapskate!! hahaha)

So tahun ni aku pun pegila beli siap-siap kat Semenanjung
 before balik aritu...

Imagine my frustation bila sesi tukar-tukar hadiah tu takder plak untuk sambutan kali ni.. 

What the %$^#!!

Penat jak aku beli!!
Tau le semua orang dapat hadiah cawan Tupperware (aku memecahkan rahsia Madam Hu a.ka. Tauke Neo Tupperware)..

Buat la wei........

Aku penat dah cari...
Kat Hinode Shop 

Ala Hinode Shop.. Kedai RM5.00 Semenanjung tuh...

Aku kata aku dah beli... tak kata pun aku dah tak jadi cheapskate.... hehe

P/S: Ada 3 benda aku beli, tapi lagi 2 aku dah guna sendiri hehe.. yang mana aku nak bagi yek?

WippidY Mippidy You Look So Nerdy!!!

Wednesday, 13 MAY 2009, 0906

The nerd look doesn't suit me.. 

that is what I figure out this morning anyway...

Warning!! Rubbish posting ahead..

Pagi ni... tak pakai spectacles..

cermin mata aku berkabus coz air-con kereta.. so dengan bergegas-gegasnya (as usual) pegi kelas.. I left them behind.

First compliment "You look nice.... " Miss Erlinda

2nd "dah tak pakai speck ke? nampak kemas (or is it "nampak ke?" hahaha) " Cikgu Yong

3rd " Oi dah tak rabun ke?" Si Gem (ni bukan compliment kot)

4th " celum magang (all black)... spec pun takder... azam hari guru ke cikgu?" .. bebudak 4sn2

ni baru pagi jer nih... & baru bukak spec... (bukak apa lagi? hahahah)
So maknenyer.... aku kena pi reload contact lens aku semula...
dulu pakai masa latih track and field jak.. takut jatuh n terpijak@ dipijak..

coz aku bukan coach tiang letrik atau pasu bunga yang menjadi hiasan statik di padang hahahaha.. ayat puitis yang sarcastic...

tapi kalau bukak cermin mata can cause a lot of havoc and mania (Wahlawei... ayat perasan) 
I am all for it...

Esok start kot??

Nak start bilang reaction a.k.a compliment a.k.a perasan...


Oh Yes.. Yes....Oh...

Tuesday, 12 MAY 2009, 2133

Ceh... porno sungguh bunyi posting malam ni.. hahaha...

Ada shopping centre baru bukak la... Home Mart... Best.. 
Sebab apa best??

Sebab.. posting sebelumnya aku dah gitau.. aku memang hantu window shopping...

bukan setakat hantu...

dah taraf pontianak kot...
Warning!!! Kisah muda-mudi ahead!!

Masa kat UTM dulu orang sibuk study untuk exam memalam.. aku pi JUSCO, window shopping.. it really calms me down.. pelik tol... 

aku memang ada masalah mental sket..

tapi leh disetelkan dengan retail therapy... yup i am a METROSEXUAL man.. so sue me...

balik dari Jusco mesti bleh study... kalau takle jugak.. there is always oranges or prunes to make me sick (and that is another story altogether heheheh)

So kiranya Home Mart ni sebagai consolation atas kekurangan yang ada (or takde) kat Kapit nih.. Tapi jarak dia 4km dari rumah aku la pulak.. kalau tiap malam pi sana... alamatnya.. leh la Petronas bukak satu lagi cawangan dengan duit aku beli minyak dorang hahahaha....


Bila nak ada McD or KFC pulak huh??

Takkan takder anak toke balak nak buka franchise kot??

I am praying a lil harder this time...

Aku rasa anak angkut aku nih pun ada kena tempias perangai aku la pulak ;)

Naifnyer aku

Tuesday, 12 May 2009, 2059

Pegi Opis pagi tadi... Tup-tup Madam Kong panggil... suh amik sijil.. 
Oooo sijil APC aritu..
Aku tak amik lagi rupanya.. orang lain naik atas pentas.. aku kat mana masa tuh ek?? 

Kat sini...

Unfortunately, Hari Q a.k.a Hari Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang tu sama dengan perlawanan final handball team Under-18 aku...

What to do.. what to do?

Aku amik keputusan untuk berada dengan diorang nih.. (much to the annoyance of Madam R & Kak S)

Main handball nih lain sket, coach mesti ada kat tepi untuk atur strategi. Lagipun ada time-out 1 minute yang coach leh mintak... & lagipun dorang yang request aku ader kat sana...
Sylvester kata... "cikgu tak pegi sana pun dapat sijil tu jugak.. anytime bleh pegi salam dengan Cikgu Jamit.. Kami dah form 5 nih... last ni" (tak la macam tu dia cakap coz dia pakai bahasa Iban.. ahahaha" 

Tapi makes point la kan.. lagipun. Aku dapat APC coz perkhidmatan aku dengan budak-budak ni... I really love them all... ;)

"Duit you mungkin bulan Julai baru dapat" Madam Kong sambung...



"You dapat RM1000 nanti la.. bukan sijil aja" dia tambah kat muka blur aku..

DUIT!!! Bestnyer.. Kalau aku tahu.. tahun pertama lagi aku dah wat keja sungguh-sungguh hahahahaha

Selamat Hariijadi Mak...

Sunday, 10 May 2009 0945

Harini sangat spesial bagi aku.. Hari ni harijadi mak aku yang kebetulan jatuh pada Hari Ibu.

Sayang Mak sangat-sangat.....
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki...
Harap diampunkan segala 
kesalahan dan kekasaran eff selama ini.
Terimakasih untuk segalanya....
Ampun ye mak......