Thursday, 14th MAY, 2115
Before aku start, aku nak ucap takziah pada satu cikgu nih....
I'm assuming she must had gone through a really terrible childhood days..
Aku tak kenal sangat cikgu ni coz she is a new temp and isn't that friendly to others... (I think)
Nonetheless, aku bukan nak permainkan nama dia cuma tadi waktu sekolah ada cikgu tanya sapa duty harini so I took one quick glance at the duty roaster and almost burst into uncontrol teary eyed laughter..
Take a look at No. 2.........

Ok.. ok enough bout it....
Back to the story kenapa aku pissed off sangat pagi ni....
This week is Examination week for all of the students, so normally there would be a buzz of activities going on in Bilik Perkembangan Staff/Bilik Setiausaha Peperiksaan a.k.a bilik simpan kertas exam...
Teachers are going in and out putting their papers in the 'pigeon holes' provided for each classess so that other would be invigilators could easily locate which papers for which classess...
Bilik SU Peperiksaan ni ada satu tradisi yang dah di buat sejak dari pembukaan sekolah lagi,
...... anybody who wishes to enter MUST twirl around three times and do a little bit of break-dancing before they could enter...
Nah.. just messing around...
anybody who wishes to enter MUST take off their shoes...
(yes. It is a tradition started by our first SU P... Cikgu Rohazliza)
because during that time (or era if you may) some Muslim teachers used to perform their prayers there......
and praying area must be spick and span... hence.. the rule...
and now.. eventhough no one use it as a surau anymore.. the tradition continues.. even our ex-pengetua has put up a signboard to let teachers know bout the rule.. A huge green sign high up above the door.
But there are some teachers who are just plain ignorance (or SuPtiD).......
Hence.. Case no 1..
Cikgu ni temp jak... selambar je masok pakai kasot high heel dia.. Bila aku tegur..... Dengan muka ngegeh dan penuh kejegitan.. terlompat-lompat (as if she's walking on air ke apa??) and made her exit without showing any guilt..
Case No. 2
Different time (just a few minutes from the first case kot... aku turun balik utk amik kertas exam and guess what??
The same teacher, with the same pair of shoes.. and the same attitude was in the room...
bila nampak aku jerk.. start la macam berok sekali lagik... cis.. tak pernah aku tengok beruk pakai baju batik.. (it is Thursday... remember??)
Then aku pun menyuarakan rasa tak puas hati pada kuncu-kuncu aku yang lain (a.k.a orang yang sama-sama ada waktu tradisi ini bermula) & they told me that new teachers @ freshly posted @ temp memang selalu buat camtu and memang dah selalu di tegur tapi wat muka beruk jer...
Come on lah... kepimpinan melalui teladan lah sket...
Mind you, this is not the case of senior vs junior...
Maybe it is not a big deal for them... but for me...
as teachers... we should show a good example la kan.. the signboard is so obvious.. lagipun
aku taknakla bukak kasut semata-mata nak "vacum" atau "sweep" daki-daki kasut cikgu-cikgi yang lain yang masuk bilik tu ngan stoking aku nih.... respekla weih...
I come up with this.....
Notis bergambar yang dilekat pada pintu masuk bilik SU P...
Pada yang tak nampak.... the fineprint says
Tell you bout the reaction tomorrow..
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