Monday 18th MAY 09, 1844
Last Saturday was Teacher's Day... Yup MY day...
The fiesta mood was on the air.. The sky was soooooooooooo brite that morning...
The celebration begins at 8:00 o'clock...
It's fun! fun! fun! (and funny too). The main reason it's soooo fun was because our Principal, Mr. Douglas was such a sport on that day.....
The ceremony begins as usual...
bacaan doa....
lagu NEGARAKU....
lagu SMK Kapit 2 (it is a boring song, even our Principal agreed that our school urgently need a new high spirited song... but that day.. the song seem very spiritual due to the fact that the students were eagerly singing (read:scream) on top of their lungs)...
Bacaan perutusan...
Bla.. bla.. bla....
Then... a couple of performances from the beloved students..
Nyanyian lagu Hari Guru (which I ve already memorized 2 days earlier.. hahaha show off.. show off!)......
Best gak lagu dia.. download the song here if you want...
Then potong cake.... it was a 3-tier cakes and I managed to snapped a PERFECT pic
of the cake...
the couple..... hehe..
Hmmmmmmmm.. Wait a sec.....
Ahhh... perfect... Our principal, Mr Douglas and Senior Asst. Madam Kong Mee Yoke...
hahahahha..... (just a harmless joke ohkay...)
Actually we were celebrating our school's birthday too.. She turns 4 on 11th May 2009...
So actually it was a double celebration.............
Then.. the Tupperware-giving ceremony.. ( kenapa takder sesi tukar-tukar hadiah...?? argh!!!)
Cikgu Ngui and Cikgu Fila... The real cuties... hehe
Haaa.. here comes the best part.....
All of us teachers were asked to "chicken dance" in front of the sea of students....
our own students......
the one that we have successfully shown and maintained the art of looking fierce and menace...
and now...
chicken dance................
Laporan bergambar... hahahah
Principal: But it looks kinda fun.. how is it done again?? squeeze-squeeze, flap-flap, gelek-gelek, clap-clap... hmmmmmmm.......
Principal: Flap-flap like this ka??
Principal: Then gelek-gelek... like this??
Principal: Aiyoh.. they gone berserk already!!!!
Principal: Hey!! You know what they say... If you can't beat them... join them hehehehe
Seeee.............. I've told ya...
our Principal is such a sport......
This is the picture of Group A performing.. I was in Group B (which became the Most Sportive group of course) That is why I am nowhere to be seen here...
There's nothing wrong with my K800i. The pictures weren't so sharp because the cameraman a.k.a ME couldn't stop giggling and the movement was sooo fast..
Nope.. I won't post the picture of our group here... ever...
( I was shortlisted as the Cikgu Paling Sporting twice.. but of course... we let our beloved Principal to take home the title.... he deserved it meh...)
Happy Teacher's Day!!!!!!!
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