Korang kalau tak sebak baca artikel dari Harian Metro kat bawah ni bermakna korang memang takde perasaan.. sob! sob!
Buang ibu di Aidilfitri
Oleh Mary Victoria Dassmaryvictoria@hmetro.com.my
JOHOR BAHRU: Sekeras-keras batu, keras lagi hati seorang anak lelaki yang tergamak memecut kereta meninggalkan ibunya.
Lebih memilukan, dia tergamak membiarkan wanita tua itu berlari mengejarnya kira-kira 20 meter kerana mahu mengikut si anak pulang menyambut Aidilfitri di rumah.
Namun, apalah kudrat seorang wanita berusia 70-an, apatah lagi terpaksa menggendong bungkusan baju dalam kain batik, untuk mengejar kereta anaknya berusia 40-an yang semakin jauh meninggalkannya.
Ia bukan babak menyayat hati dalam drama televisyen, tetapi realiti hidup ditempuhi seorang penghuni rumah jagaan warga emas dan psikatri di Jalan Denai 1, Kempas di sini, yang begitu mengharapkan untuk pulang menyambut hari raya bersama anak dan cucunya di Masai, dekat sini.
Kisah sedih pada pertengahan Ramadan itu diceritakan Pengasas Persatuan Kebajikan Nur Ehsan Negeri Johor, Norijah Bidin kepada wartawan Harian Metro, semalam.
Menurut Norijah, beliau masih mengingati detik cukup menyentuh perasaan itu, apatah lagi kakitangan rumah jagaan berkenaan terpaksa memujuk warga emas uzur terbabit supaya bersabar dan wanita tua itu hanya mampu menangis mengenangkan nasibnya ditinggalkan anak sendiri.
Katanya, kejadian bermula apabila lelaki berkenaan datang menziarahi ibunya di rumah penjagaan itu bagi memaklumkan dia tidak dapat dibawa pulang pada hari raya kali ini kerana tiada sesiapa menjaganya.
“Kami menyangka dia ingin membawa ibunya pulang bagi menyambut Aidilfitri kerana sudah dua tahun wanita berkenaan beraya di sini,” katanya ketika ditemui.
Menurutnya, terlalu seronok dengan kunjungan anak lelakinya, wanita tua terbabit terus menyalin pakaian dan bersiap untuk mengikut pulang ke rumah keluarganya di Masai.
“Kami melihat wanita itu bersungguh-sungguh membungkus pakaiannya ke dalam kain batik kerana mahu pulang ke rumah anaknya,” katanya.
Menurut Norijah, tanpa disangka-sangka, ketika si ibu sedang sibuk berkemas, lelaki berkenaan beredar dari situ secara senyap-senyap tanpa memaklumkan sesiapa.
“Menyedari anak lelakinya mahu beredar, wanita itu panik dan mengejar kereta anaknya yang mula meninggalkan kawasan rumah kebajikan.
“Wanita tua itu berlari kira-kira 20 meter untuk mengejar kereta berkenaan, tetapi anaknya tetap meninggalkannya.
“Si ibu yang terkilan dengan perbuatan anaknya bukan saja mengalami masalah kesihatan, malah kemurungan selama beberapa hari kerana hampa tidak dapat pulang beraya di rumah,” katanya.

Cuti Khas Untuk Semua Sekolah dan Institusi Pendidikan Di Bawah KPM Pada Hari Jumaat, 18 September 2009 Sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430H
1. Kabinet yang bermesyuarat pada hari ini, 16 September 2009, telah bersetuju untuk memberi Cuti Khas kepada semua Sekolah dan Institusi Pendidikan di Bawah Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia pada hari Jumaat, 18 September 2009, sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri tahun ini yang dijangka akan disambut pada hari Ahad 20 September atau hari Isnin 21 September 2009.
2. Keputusan ini diambil bagi membolehkan ibu bapa membuat perancangan awal perjalanan keluarga bercuti di kampung halaman masing-masing dan mengelakkan kesesakan jalan raya.
3. Dengan keputusan Kabinet ini maka semua arahan Kementerian Pelajaran berkaitan Cuti Tambahan sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430H sebelum ini adalah terbatal.
YAB Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
Putrajaya, 16 September 2009

Published: Friday September 11, 2009 MYT 5:43:00 PM in The Star
Group to seek justice for Penan rape victims
Published: Friday September 11, 2009 MYT 5:43:00 PM
KUALA LUMPUR: The Penan Support Group says that it will seek justice for victims of rape among Penan women by workers of logging companies in Sarawak.
Saying that it would help expose and correct the wrongs being committed in Penan society, the group, a loose coalition of 35 nongovernmental organisations, added that the long-occurring sexual abuse of Penan girls in Sarawak was a hideous crime.
In a statement Friday, the group said a report from the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry confirming that the rapes did take place was also a distressing symptom of the overall situation being faced by the Penans and other vulnerable indigenous groups in Sarawak.
The group lamented that when news broke out that Penan girls, some as young as 10 years, were being sexually abused by logging workers in the Middle Baram area of Sarawak in September last year,(stupid) local politicians and the police were quick to dismiss these as mere allegations without any basis.
The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development then established a National Task Force comprising ministry officials and women NGO representatives to investigate the allegations. The task force found that the rapes and sexual abuse did occur and the Penan girls were still vulnerable because of the lack of policing and development in their area.
The Penan Support Group also criticised the police force for dragging their feet on three allegations last year when they had dismissed them as "nothing with proper evidence for us to proceed in court" and that activists "did not give specific details to support their claims". - Bernama
Why is this case is so close to my heart you may asked? Well, I am a teacher, I teach indegenous boys and girls here in Sarawak, and I know how valuable knowledge to them.
Taking advantage of children who are on their way getting education will only make them more wary of the outsider. Even to people who are genuinely want to help them.
Next time dear stupid government, stop counting money or approving mega million project and look and the people who are suffering once in a while.
Saturday, !2th Sept 09, (22nd Ramadhan) 2142
Sexual Abuse of Penan's Girl a.k.a Government!, I've told you so!
The rape of young Penan girls
Allegations of Penan girls and women being raped and molested by timber company workers in the Baram district in Sarawak have been confi rmed to be true.
A special committee set up by the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry revealed that at least seven girls and women were raped and molested - confi rming a news report by The Star late last year.
The horror the Penan girls and women went through.
> A girl, 12, was raped by a stranger outside her hostel and by a timber worker when she took a lift in a timber company’s vehicle from her village in Long Kawi to her school in Long Lama. She got pregnant, quit school and married a Penan man.
> A woman from Long Item was raped by a timber worker in 2005 and 2007 and gave birth to a baby girl, now two years old.
> One was raped by an Iban timber worker when she was kidnapped at the age of 13, while visiting her relatives in Miri.
> One was almost raped when she took a lift with her father from a timber company to apply for an identity card.
> In Long Muboi, a student said her 14-year-old friend was molested by a truck driver who gave her a lift to school.
> A 17-year-old girl gave birth to a child and her neighbours claimed that she had sexual relations with the timber workers.
> A group of women said they believed that sex exploitation exists among the Penan women and girls but they were too ashamed to tell their stories.
KUCHING: It has been confirmed that Penan girls and women were raped and molested by timber company workers in Sarawak’s Ulu Baram district.
A special committee, set up by the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, revealed that sexual abuses against Penan women and girls by timber workers as reported by The Star last year did take place in the Baram district.
The special committee, set up last October to investigate the allegations, documented at least eight cases of rape and molest of Penan women and girls in its report.
The report said one of the victims was raped by a timber worker when she hitched a ride in the company’s vehicle to go to school.
Another was raped twice, in 2005 and 2007, by a man she recognised as a timber worker at a logging camp.
The report also said schoolgirls were often molested by lorry drivers while travelling to school in timber company vehicles.
It documented one incident where a lorry driver groped a 14-year-old girl’s breasts.
In another incident, it said a lorry driver tried to molest a group of 10-year-old girls, but they escaped.
The report concluded that “allegations of sexual abuse against Penan girls and women by outsiders, includ ing timber workers, did indeed occur”.
It highlighted the vulnerability of Penan schoolgirls to such abuse because of their dependence on timber vehicles to transport them to and from school.
“Logging tracks are often the only means of access to their villages,” it said, adding that schools and clinics were four to six hours away.
On addressing the sexual abuse, the report called for programmes to raise awareness among the Penans on personal safety, sex educa tion and violence against women.
It also recommended the appointment of “trusted” lorry drivers and student management assistants to escort Penan schoolchildren back to their villages.
The report also found that the Penans had little access to registration, healthcare and education due to poverty and the remoteness of their settlements. It said many Penans did not have personal documents while their children had a high drop-out rate at school.
“All these issues are closely related to imbalanced development. The lack of infrastructure such as roads and public transport make it difficult for the Penans to communicate with the outside world, including government agencies.
“The Penans also feel neglected because of negative perceptions and prejudices against them,” it said.
Meanwhile, the Bruno Manser Fund, which first broke the Penans’ allegations of sexual abuse last September, welcomed the release of the special committee’s report.
However, it voiced concern that the report did not have any legal consequences for the perpetrators.
“It is high time that those responsible for the crimes described in the report face the legal consequences of their conduct,” it said in a statement released on the Borneo Project web site.
- a pinch of salt
- a tablespoon of coconut milk powder
- water
- rice flour
- glutinous flour.
- palm sugar (solid or liquid)
- Dessicated coconut and sprinkle of sugar for coating