Friday, November 28th, 1932
There are a lot of nothingness to do and places to visit with the free time.
It has been 3 weeks and there are plenty of weeks to go (I don’t really count them, make me anxious). Working in a such isolated place without good entertainment and quality fast-food (can’t believed those two words are connected) makes ones eager to go back to the concrete jungle i.e. KL.
Here, one thing for sure school breaks also synonym with weddings. Yup the dreaded weddings especially if the reception is for your best friend or worse, relatives, the worst? NOSEY relatives. Then there's the golden question of The Partner.
You see, I am the straight to the point person.
I prefer the no beating around the bush approach.
No more annoying girlfriend questions with a non-hesitant manner of answering.
But, the game wasn’t over yet,
"So when can we meet her?"
I have not mastered that as I have yet to warm up to the idea of relatives and girlfriend, being in one place, at the same time.
Many I-look-at-you-you-look-at-me moments of silence.
“So, when is your turn?"
……….. during a funeral
Cruel... Cherios.
Monday, November 17, 2310
It has only been 5 days since I start to drive in the busy KL road again but lotsa things had happened to remind me how good it was to drive in a not so busy road in Kapit (gosh I miss my Myvi a lot). I think I made less swearing back there compared to 5 days driving here. Most of my vulgar ‘bad words’ nowadays are in Iban language so it is ok if I get some sensitive person (read: mum and sis) riding shotgun. Hehe. Read down there and find out whether you are guilty too.
· Happily cruising down the middle lane of a motorway with either indicator flashing, but going nowhere.
· Happily cruising down the middle lane of a motorway even when the road is almost entirely empty.
· Picking your nose and believing that no-one can see you. (it is tinted)
· Not realizing that there is any other setting for your lights than high beam.
· Indicating to move into a lane that you're already half way in.
· Falling asleep at the wheel, just in time for the lights to turn green.
· Sounding your horn one nanosecond after the lights change to green if the car in front hasn't sped off.
· Sending sprays of wiper wash right over the top of your car and washing the one behind.
· Overtaking then pulling in front and slowing down. (I do it sometimes just for a revenge.. ehehe)
· Sharing whatever is on your car stereo with anyone within a mile radius. (guilty)
Hmm.. Actually it says quite a lot about me.. ehehe.. cheerios

Eat This
1 Cup of Low-fat Yogurt or 2 Tbsp of Mixed Nuts
Scientists in Slovakia gave people 3 grams each of two amino acids—lysine and arginine—or a placebo and asked them to deliver a speech. Blood measurements of stress hormones revealed that the amino acid–fortified guys were half as anxious during and after the speech as those who took the placebo. Yogurt is one of the best food sources of lysine; nuts pack tons of arginine.
Not That
Can of Soda
A study from the American Journal of Public Health found that people who drink 21?2 cans of soda daily are three times more likely to be depressed and anxious, compared with those who drink fewer.
1. Jam 24 cotton balls up your nose and try to sneeze them out.
2. Use your MasterCard to pay your Visa. (I thought this could really be done)
3. Pop some popcorn without putting the lid on.
4. When someone says, “Have a nice day,” say you have other plans. (very cruel indeed)
5. Find out what a frog in a blender really looks like. (tribute to my biology teacher.. Cikgu Noraini)
6. Forget the gym and get yourself a chocolate ice cream cake.
7. Make a list of things to do that you’ve already done. (surely it will be a short one.. sigh!)
8. Dance naked in front of your pets. (what if the pet is in an aquarium out in the front porch??)
9. Put your toddler’s/nephrew's/niece's clothes on backwards and send him off to preschool as if nothing were wrong.
10.Fill out your tax forms with Roman Numerals.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
If this is the second time you are reading this post, you might realized that the text has been changed. The 'history book' feeling is now gone.
After some advice from a friend, I am writing about
Went to KL (
How to get there?
This building is facing the Merdeka Square, just a walking distance from Pasar Seni (Central Market) You can also take the PUTRA LRT and disembark at PASAR SENI or MASJID JAMEK station.
What it has to offer?
The building has long been a landmark for Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur. Its predominantly Moorish appearance suitably reflects the cultural background of Malaysia. Located beside the Dataran Merdeka., it is a hot spot to hang out especially on weekends.. the building design is simply unique and brightly lit with colourful lights at night.
Why I was there?
Well like I said, it is situated in between Masjid Jamek (where India St is located) and Pasar Seni, so in order to go to Pasar Seni (from Indian St.) I have to walk pass by it to get there.. Duh!
Interesting fact.
In 1971,
If you want the wikipedia version, click here.
How to get there?
Disembark at PASAR SENI station (gosh, can it be more clearer than this?) or walk from MASJID JAMEK LRT station.
What it has to offer?
The pasar @ market houses varieties of souvenirs and knick knacks from all over the worlds, it is a hot spot for tourist to find souvenirs to take back home. The price here is quite high though. My advice, shop around, be friendly and asked for a 'lil discount.
Why I was there?
I have fond memory of this place; this is the place where I get supply of crazy and unique necklaces, dog tags and bangles during my University year (dare to be diff, one might say), but today I went to Pasar Seni to buy some Camior chocolates for my nieces and nephews.
Interesting Fact.
The walking mall parallel to the main building (facing the shop lots) is noted for housing street musicians or buskers. One of them which has been accepted into last season Akademi Nasyid (Islamic-oriented song reality search). Which one you might asked? Just come to Pasar Seni and find out for yourself.
If you want the wikipedia version, click here.
How to get there?
Just like the rest of the places mentioned before, I walked.
What it has to offer?
Jalan Petaling a.k.a Petaling St. is a
Why I was there?
Cheap Adidas shoes, authentic looking watches, belts, x-rated CD, Superman Shirts and the list goes on.
Fantastic Fact.
Haggling or bargaining is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.
If you want more fact, click here.
Ok. Time to go back, my feet were aching for walking all day long. Tomorrow I am going to Genting Highlands with Mom, so most probably, no updates for the whole three days.
Ohya, feel free to use any of the photos here provided you guys mentioned this blog. The pics are courtesy of my faithful 2-year old Sony Ericsson K800i. Cheerios..
As a result, I just let them do whatever they usually do (mind you that they were handpicked by me and the rest based on their performance during divisional meet last February, meaning that they already have some experience), correcting them on the spot and just letting them have fun.
2 weeks with them making me realized that sport is all about fun and laughter, seeing from the eyes of the future generation. Oh ya, we managed to get 3 gold, 6 silver and 3 bronze medals. Not much compared to other division that is really an athletes powerhouse such as Sibu and Miri. But for me, I got a bunch of new children and a precious gift called experience.
Saturday, November 8, 1601